Tips for handling robust furniture when moving from North Austin
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Once you start the preparation for moving, chances are you are going to run into some problems. One of these problems is handling robust furniture when moving. Although you can get quality help from full service movers Austin, it can still be quite an issue. Well, that is true if you don’t know how to approach this task. However, with the knowledge you’ll gain from this article, you’ll be able to handle this particular task with ease. Furthermore, you will get the necessary skills that you can use to help your friends and family. That way, we’ll blend useful and nice together. So, without further ado, let’s start from the top!
The first thing you want to do is to have the right movers by your side
Trust us when we say that North Austin movers are your biggest allies when it comes to handling robust furniture when moving. The importance of good and reliable movers is never to be underestimated. Therefore, we suggest that you do thorough research on all the different options. So, we’ve mentioned full-services movers. This is a great option because it allows you to benefit from the different options they offer. For instance, you can always sign up for packing services and have the professionals handle everything. This is a great way to alleviate some of the stress that comes with different moving tasks.

There is another thing we would recommend if you are, like in this case, moving to Austin. You should always aim to hire local moving companies Austin TX since they will be much more helpful when it comes to receiving some beginner info about North Austin. And the best part is that this kind of help is totally free. So, you can just ask your movers about the different stuff you need once you arrive. You’ll surely figure out the rest with ease. It’s always good to have somebody watching your back. With that in mind, let’s move on to the next thing you ought to do.
Get quality packing materials
Handling robust furniture when moving can be a tricky issue if you don’t have the right packing materials. Ideally, these materials should prevent any scratches, damages, etc. Although you are going to get help from furniture movers Austin to load and unload the given items, they still have to be prepared. That said, we would recommend you use these items for packing:
- Plastic furniture wrap
- Boxcutters
- Duct tape

These are basically all the ingredients you need. Especially if you aren’t going to move these pieces of furniture but store them. So, if you opt for storage North Austin, the given packing supplies will be able to deal with any type of environmental condition that might damage the furniture. So, handling large furniture when moving can become really easy once you know how to pack everything up. First of all, you will have to wrap every piece of heavy furniture in several layers of the aforementioned plastic wrap. Once you’ve done that, you should tape every loose bit of wrap leftover. Lastly, during the whole process, you should use boxcutters for extra accuracy when cutting both the wrap and the duct tape. Once all of that is done, it’s time for moving, right? Well, not exactly. You’ll see why, in a minute!
Taking everything apart is a good way of handling robust furniture when moving
As we said, handling large furniture when moving can be quite tricky. Such is the case when you have the option of taking it apart. Although it may seem like a better idea than wrapping everything into a thousand layers of plastic wrap, it isn’t always the case. For instance, if you didn’t keep the user manual, you shouldn’t ever try and disassemble anything. Let alone, furniture. On the other hand, if you happen to be a carpenter or if you happen to have saved the user manual, we highly encourage you to take apart everything you can. This will make everything much easier to pack, move, and handle in general.
Also, it will make it much easier to store. Of course, if you want to store it instead of moving it to your new home. Just make sure that you sign up for the storage pick up service once you decide to have it in a unit. That way you will make sure that it’s available at a moment’s notice. Which is definitely better than keeping it in a tiny home. So, it’s a great option if you happen to have to downsize. That said, let’s move on to the final tip for handling heavy furniture when moving.
Think about what you are wearing
Last but not least – it’s quite important what you are wearing if you are handling heavy furniture when moving. To state the obvious – Gucci is out of the picture. In fact, all designer clothes are out of the picture. Just to prevent you from asking that. This is especially true if you have to move heavy furniture by yourself with no outside help. even though these situations are few, they can still happen and you need to be prepared for them. That is why we have to talk about clothes here.

So, your best option would be to use some second-hand clothes or old clothes that you don’t mind getting damaged or dirty. This is very important in the case where you are able to take your furniture apart and pack every piece separately. It’s a fact that you are going to get dirty and it’s a fact that you are going to get sweaty. Therefore, it’s better not to ruin a fine piece of clothing you have. Rather, use an old shirt and sweatpants (or shorts – depending on the season) for handling robust furniture when moving. Make sure to do that and thank us later!