Turn your basement into a great living space

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After you have made a big change in your life and moved to a new house, you might want to retailor it a bit. You have a functional living area inside of your house, but you probably need more space. If you need extra sleeping space or you wish to dabble in renting, you may start thinking about refurbishing the basement. Basements usually serve as storage for redundant things, old clothes, or items that we do not use often. Why not give it a new shine and purpose. Professional moving companies Austin will help you figure out how to turn your basement into a great living space. Find the best tips with Heavenly Moving and Storage.

Turn your basement into a great living space and earn some cash along the way

If you hired moving services Austin to help you with your relocation, you can happily close the moving chapter and move on to the next project. Turning your basement into a comfortable living area is a great post-relocation activity. Instead of using the basement for laundry or as a game room, you might want to adapt it for renting. Whether it is short-term or long-term rent, you will need to invest a lot to be competitive in the market. Use the best material for renovation and the top equipment to meet the standards of the rental market. Your investment will not be in vain, as renting is an extremely lucrative field of business. Once you regain the costs of the refurbishment, you will have a very nice additional income.

two people holding a miniature house
Turn your basement into a great living space and prepare it for rent

However, if you are not interested in dealing with guests and tenants, think about adapting the basement for yourself. This way you will create an additional living space for your family and you will be able to host friends on a sleepover.

Main points when turning a basement into an apartment

Remodeling requires preparation, organization, planning, consulting professional handymen, as well as being creative and practical at the same time. When converting a basement into a living space, there are a few key points to focus on:

The first step – evaluate your budget

When starting with a huge project such as a basement renovation, you need to calculate the costs and see if your budget allows such an expensive venture. Hire a remodeling consultant or a contractor. Present them with your ideas and let them assess if your budget can live up to your wishes. A professional will be able to envisage if any additional costs are required. Look for the most practical advice from a reliable professional. Leave extra money on the side in case of unplanned damage or breakage.

Inspect the basement

Make a thorough inspection of the basement with a plumber and a contractor, unless your basement is already built according to standards. Check if the plumbing system needs repair. You will need to build a kitchen and a bathroom, hence you need to make a plan how to extend the plumbing. If there is mold you need to take care of it before starting any other works. This is your chance to set the proper ventilation which will keep the mold away in the future. Measure the humidity and make sure it spans from 30 to 50 percent. Hire a professional to get rid of the mold, as they have special equipment to keep them from exposure. Look for any foundation flaws, cracks in walls and floors, as these are the underpinnings of the entire house. When you have a safe foundation, everything else will fall into place more easily.

a man measuring the space in his home
Make a detailed inspection of your basement, with help from a contractor

Insulation is extremely important, as you want to keep cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Buy the top-quality material and make sure you have the best insulation for your new living space. Not only does the insulation regulate the temperature, but it also reduces the noise. Another thing that is a must when it comes to basement renovation is installing egress windows. These windows serve as emergency exits and allow more light into space. Disinfection and disinsection are not to be skipped when building your basement. Find the best way to clean the space as thoroughly as possible and block access points for pests.

Rent a storage space and deposit extra stuff in a clean and safe place

In the process of basement refurbishment, a lot of unnecessary items will get in the way. The best solution for decluttering your basement is to rent a storage space. The best deal you can find is the one that storage South Austin offers. Incomparable service and a wide selection of storage units will facilitate your renovation process. Storage units are climate-controlled, so you can be sure that your belongings will remain intact.

piece of old furniture
Rent a storage unit and keep some of your old pieces of furniture

In case you are too engrossed in your basement renovation, and do not have time to grab something from your storage unit, storage pick up service is there at your disposal. Your belongings can be delivered to you at your convenience. The flexibility of this service allows you more time to devote to turning your basement into a living area.

Design the space

You want your new living area to capture as much light as possible and avoid the feeling of subterranean living. Put large doors and windows, paint the walls in light colors and leave the majority of space for the living room. Create an open space concept, merging the kitchen and living room to create one functional and cozy area. This way the new living space will seem more spacious, apart from being bright and fresh. In case you lack ideas, look up some creative basement decoration solutions. The decision to turn your basement into a great living space can be enjoyable if you choose the right professional company, learn about renovation, and use your imagination for the final touch of decoration.

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